Kazzen Oro di Pantelleria


it en fr


Pantelleria ........ where the wind blows

The gastronomy of Pantelleria is particularly original, being a mingling of flavors all Mediterranean, which in time have managed to blend culinary trends of Sicily, but also in the Arab world, who inhabited the northern coast of Africa, to which the island is closer.
Its geographical position, in fact, has made of Pantelleria a true crossroads of traditions, customs and traditions that remain today in the names of the districts, in the language of its inhabitants and the unique architecture of its buildings, the dammusi.
These traditions have managed to merge the island, giving rise, especially in the kitchen, dishes antique flavor, which, however, still remain very alive and present. A kitchen, "poor", as is usually said, typical of the rural world, which has always inhabited the coast and the hinterland of the island, now known by all the Black Pearl of the Mediterranean, because of its volcanic origin.


Just the configuration of its territory meant that the island's soil is particularly fertile for crops such as vines, caper and olive trees, which have always been the stimulus of the economy Pantelleria.

From this raw material, the ages and the simple wisdom of the islanders have been able to create a variety of dishes with flavors certainly firm but harmonious whole, as well as harmonious and decided are the areas of a region is extremely varied, who knows how to switch the rare plains and the valleys of garland Monastery, the gentle slopes of Scauri, Rekhale, Bukkuram and Khamma, the most inaccessible areas of Behind Island and Balata dei Turchi. Unique landscapes as a whole, as a special and unique is the kitchen of that 'island, visitors can enjoy in the shade of its cannizzo dammuso, and, once away, in the heat of a memory that makes alive the flavors once tested.

Ospitalità in Dammuso



     Save the earth, it's the only planet with capers

91017 Pantelleria (TP)
c.da Kazzen 10
2014 Alessandro D'Ancona for Kazzen Srl            

Kazzen S.r.l. - Contrada Kazzen,10 - Tel/Fax +39.0923.911770 PANTELLERIA (TP) Sicily, ITALY - info@kazzen.it  P.Iva 01926300813 Cod.Univoco KRRH6B9 - TP R.E.A. 133718